With Thyrocare DSA (Affiliate) Program, you can now start your online healthcare business.
Yes, you are reading it right. Starting a health care business with no investment is possible with Thyrocare Landing Pages.
If you are planning to become an entrepreneur in healthcare with a backbone like Thyrocare; Go Advance.
By becoming Thyrocare DSA, you will be benefited with a combination of IT and the brand name Thyrocare searched by Millions every month.
The Only Affiliate Module Designed To Develop Your Healthcare Business
No. DSA module is for free. You do not have to pay to enroll the program
Yes, you will get the entire money on your ledger when you discontinue. All you have to do is request your concern incharge.
Yes, you will get promotional materials like Landing page, hand bills, custom email template an more.
You need to have minimum Rs 10,000 in your ledger to get your incentive credited in your account. 50% of your incentive balance will be credited until your ledger balance reaches Rs 1Lakh. Anything above Rs 1Lakh will be released on a monthly basis.
To become Thyrocare DSA, you will have to give your PAN card, Aadhar Card and a Cancelled Cheque.
Yes, before we make you DSA, you will go through a validation process so that we know that we are working with right person. Also, routine verification process will be done before incentive release.